In Recognition of a Special Lady; Elsie, my soul-mate, companion throughout life, wife and amazing supporter of both our life passions.

Congratulations and thanks; Jean MacKaracher-Watson on a great Job weaving together a lively and entertaining evening with a dinner we all enjoyed. Tartan Day 2024 and the Federation’s hosted Tartan Day Dinner totally surprised Elsie and me, to receive Rick Grant’s ( President of the Halifax Celtic Festival, Certificates of Recognition. I freely admit I shed a tear and more of pride and admiration on seeing Elsie’s work and contributions over the years recognized with her being awarded the Federation for Scottish Culture in Nova Scotia’s ( SCOT of the YEAR 2024 Award. Being at my Lady’s side over the years I’ve seen firsthand how freely she gives towards life’s passions and our Scottish Heritage is a Passion Elsie freely embraces. Again, Congratulations and Thanks, Jean Watson, Tom Wallace, Rick Grant.

Elsie’s achievements speak highly of the motivational support I’ve received over the years and along our lifelong shared adventures and passions. Love You More Sweetheart.

Adding a Touch of Reality to My Fiction

Merry Christmas greeting to friends , readers and family. Especially my not sot tiny baby brother Steve. Yes, Steve what you’re seeing is your wildest fictional dream bursting forth into REALITY. Thanks to my daughter and her family what your eyes are beholding is a reality. Yes! It’s me! To clarify thanks to your niece, her hubby, and your two amazing great-nieces, your are seeing your wildest fictional dream turned into a reality. It’s really me Brother. In a Griswold ’00’ Blackhawks Jersey. No I’ve not lost my senses and abandoned my hometown Senators! I’m simply making your day, along with Aunt Lenora up in heaven. Merry Christmas with thanks to our daughter and her amazing family.

Christmas Craft Fair St. Ignatius Parish Hall

December 2nd, 2023 topped off our Christmas Craft Fair outings. Book sales of my ‘Seaside Glitter’ and it’s sequel ‘Seaside Christmas’ exceeded my expectations. Between our Acadia Hall Lower Sackville, Findley Center Dartmouth and St Ignatius Christmas Craft fairs I sold over fifty books. However the greatest reward was having my Elsie at my side selling her woolen mittens, hats, socks, and assorted sidelines. We both did amazingly well. Thanks go out to Elsie’s sister Carrie who assisted me at Acadia Hall. In October my Elsie’s cancer returned. Amazingly the surgery she underwent removed all the cancer. Elsie’s healing has been amazing and much better than experienced fourteen years past. The above knee amputation Elsie underwent is not slowing her down. Soon she’ll start working towards getting her new prosthetic leg. Meanwhile at the Findley Center and St Ignatius Parish Hall craft fair she boosted her sales and helped promote sales of my books while energizing visitors to our tables and energizing my days with her positivity and companionship. Merry Christmas everyone. An abundance of Thanks go out to all who are supporting us throughout Elsie’s surgery and ongoing healing. Writing is my passion, but my true Blessing is definitely the lady pictured in the photo above at my side.

Lucasville, NS Wallace Lucas Community Center


I look forward to chatting with you at the Lucasville, Nova Scotia Wallace Lucas Community Center Christmas Craft Fair Sale, tomorrow Saturday December 3rd, 2022 9 am through to 2 pm. And Yes Elsie will be there with me selling her amazing knitted wares. Drop by our tables and pick up some knitted gifts along with signed copies on my Seaside Glitter and its sequel Seaside Christmas. If off in Ottawa copies of Seaside Christmas will be available shortly. Stay tune in. Merry Christmas greetings from Nova Scotia.

Seaside Christmas

Approved and OK’d my new novel ‘Seaside Christmas’ for distribution to retailers today. I have ordered a supply of books for local sale via bookstore consignment and direct sales via the author. It’s been a journey. A journey that rewarded me with great support and nudges from an enthusiastic team of reviewers, editors who helped turn a dream into a reality.

Reserve a copy by emailing me directly at

All Done

Sometimes the message one is in search of just steps up and embraces you. We enjoyed a fantastic summer reconnecting with our granddaughters and their parents. While together I spent endless hours at my keyboard working away on the sequel to Seaside Glitter I had been convinced to write. I thank my readers for those nudges. The message found me while we relaxed and enjoyed a great family get together in St Andrews, New Brunswick. What can I say it just called out to me.

Thanks to this fishing trawler in St Andrews out of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia our daughter caught us in an all telling photo. Yes the sequel to Seaside Glitter is ‘All Done’. And no that is not the title. The next step awaits the much anticipated E-Proof from my publisher. Once reviewed and approved, I will joyfully release it for distribution. Must say it feels weird not being caught up in the writing, editing and reviewing that’s filled so many on my days since early summer.

It’s Been a Stretch but We’re Getting Very Close

It’s been fun listening to the characters and taking them where they wanted to be. Working through the editing has been a fun eye opener spotting many of my typos. Actually several more reviews and edits are ahead. Spotting typos can be a trying exercise. However, the fun has started to really unfold. Have picked out the front and back cover photos. Along with working on those other details one should have been addressing earlier in the adventure. And trust me it wasn’t all written in September, 2022. But it felt great in typing ‘The End’ in September, 2022. Looking forward to an upcoming book launch yet to be announced. All the best. Have a Great Weekend. The weather is fantastic. Cheers … Wayne

Thank You to the Ladies at Janet’s Flowers

Thanks go out to Roxanna, Candy, Angela and Leah four young ladies and readers who work with my Elsie at Janet’s Flowers in on Portland Street in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia. They’ve read ‘Seaside Glitter’ and videoed a short skit highlighting them and my novel ‘Seaside Glitter’ Thanks ladies and the sequel is very close. working on closing out chapter 54 while playing with the ending in chapter 55.

Closer and On Track

Back home from a fantastic holiday with our family. Long Island, Brier Island, Nova Scotia and a favourite spot St Andrews by the Sea, New Brunswick. Sure do miss my Honeybeans Coffee Tea & Treats . Worked in some great writing sessions and I’m now down to the last five chapters. Will confess Chapter 50 was emotional. Possibly the most emotional piece I’ve written. Hope your summer is filled with many great times shared with your family and friends. And I’d best get back to it. Once thought ‘Chapter One’ was tough. But the closer one gets to you know where. The tougher it gets. But with each thought and action that flies off the keyboard I’m one step closer. Embrace August. It’s a special month.

Relaxation Triggers Creativity

Sometimes creativity requires a physical recharge. Our recent visit to St Andrews, New Brunswick definitely fit that bill for me. Relaxed my sequel’s writing flowed smoothly. On a break we visited Ministers Island via a seabed drive in our Elantra. Enjoyed a tour on Van Horne’s summer home then headed outside to relax. Opted to test the grassy island’s feel and stretched out and enjoyed a form of relaxation I’ve not tested in decades. It worked! The creative vibes were flowing in fast-track mode. Then as seen about someone’s finger hit their camera’s photo button and disrupted my creative relaxation session. On the upside my grey cells have retained the creative ideas generated throughout that short relaxation session. And charming daughter’s wakeup call got me off the island while the seabed was still accessible during low-tide. Trust all your summers are as relaxing as the summer of 2022 has been for me.