Confirmation of my PEI Visit

Father Daughter PEI Fun 2019

My mini-vacation in PEI was an amazing shared time with our daughter Tracy. Trust me we were on the Island. Our photo above is our prove. I’m the one on the…….. Yes that’s me! wanted to prove to Tracy that it was OK to step beyond one’s fears and assure her she wouldn’t look foolish. Why? Because Dad would be there with her. It was a mini-vacation. Short however the experience and reconnection with family was absolutely amazing. I can feel an energized creativity in my finger tips.

By the Seaside in PEI


By the Seaside in PEI. Relaxed yes. Enjoying too much seafood of other delights … Highly possible. Skip day 97 after 96 straight energized daily treadmill visits and one’s belt is tested to its limits. I suffer the consequences. A visit with my friend here justified my actions. Better still to be writing anew by the sea.