A Treasured Memory … Rose Wind Farm

Take a peek. Yes back in 1954 an aerial photographer captured my bride to be walking home to Rose Wind Farm. Never met her mom, Grace had passed on earlier. Grace and hubby Mel had moved onto the farm in September 1946 I’ve been told. Way back when I was a month old. Talk about fate. Eventually I met Mel, he walked Elsie down the aisle in 1968. Since then the storylines have been in constant motion. One memory often repeated has my E and sister D playing in the lilac bushes beside the chicken coop. It’s there between the barn and house. They were making mud pies. One of them added fresh eggs from the coop to their pie. Won’t say which one, but the other one ratted out her sister after they were caught in the act. I’ve yet to determine which one was the creative baker? However the tale with added embellishment has made it into Seaside Glitter’s sequel.

Thanks again to our sister-in-law Heather at 4 Roses Framing in Fall River Nova Scotia. She framed the memory and gifted it to Elsie this Christmas. And yes I’m working with E to retrieve a trove of memories created over the years since this photo was captured back in 1954.

Adding a Little Seaside Glitter to Regina SK

Writing a book is FUN. Sharing the world created in your book with readers is a reward I savour. I have donated copies of my book ‘Seaside Glitter’ to a number of libraries across our amazing nation. Typically the library is connected to me via family and friends or a personal connection. What makes Regina SK special to me? My sister Noreen and hubby ended up in Regina via his RCMP service. Over the years they added three fantastic nephews to our family. Life in Regina and Saskatchewan added positive energies and quality of life to Noreen and her family’s daily lives. The friendships developed enriched their lives. I had to donate a copy of ‘Seaside Glitter’ to the Regina library just to say thanks for life joys that we saw in Noreen and Gary over the years and sensed in their voices in chatting to them in person or over the phone lines. They’ve both passed on now. We miss them but savour the memories created together. A special one was attending the 2013 Grey Cup. Gary chauffeured us around Regina. He offered to drive us over to watch the Grey Cup Parade. We declined. It was a TAD Chilly! I trust readers will enjoy leaping across our land and visiting the Nova Scotia in companionship with the characters in my book. Cheers Have a great day and stay safe.

A Memory out of a Distant Past

Sharing a Sketch and Ramblings

Just me back again keeping on track with updates on my writings. Must admit I miss the days when I could sit out at our patio table, sketch in my sketching books and then scribble away at my writings in one of my note books. Although I love the cut and paste tools on my IMac and laptop I really enjoy letting my creating thoughts flow off my pen onto a paper page. However I won’t be sitting down at our patio table any time soon. I did manage to write another 800 words today. The plot and characters are taking me down their creative paths. A bonus my days are full and busy. These ramblings may be a pain. However I have resolved not in the form of a New Year’s Resolution to post on my website on a regular basis. I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. They’re too easy to Break. Enjoy a great day. I have and stay Safe.

Happy New Years 2022

Welcome to 2022 a year I feel will continue to play with my reenergized writings and experimenting with paint brushes and my oils/acrylic paints. 2021 I found filled with a myriad of assorted twist and turns. The bonus being good health & our personal safety embraced me along with family and friends. An added bonus it sent us off into 2022 with those bonuses secure in hand. My photo is a personal favourite. An approaching sunset captured out in Eastern Passage, NS. May your 2022 reward you and yours with good health and success in your chosen endeavours.