Relaxation Triggers Creativity

Sometimes creativity requires a physical recharge. Our recent visit to St Andrews, New Brunswick definitely fit that bill for me. Relaxed my sequel’s writing flowed smoothly. On a break we visited Ministers Island via a seabed drive in our Elantra. Enjoyed a tour on Van Horne’s summer home then headed outside to relax. Opted to test the grassy island’s feel and stretched out and enjoyed a form of relaxation I’ve not tested in decades. It worked! The creative vibes were flowing in fast-track mode. Then as seen about someone’s finger hit their camera’s photo button and disrupted my creative relaxation session. On the upside my grey cells have retained the creative ideas generated throughout that short relaxation session. And charming daughter’s wakeup call got me off the island while the seabed was still accessible during low-tide. Trust all your summers are as relaxing as the summer of 2022 has been for me.

Update & July 2022 Sale

A photo taken on Oak Island back in the 70s on one of our vacations in Nova Scotia. Suspect it helped trigger my creativity and lead to my writing ‘Seaside Glitter’. Being retired in Nova Scotia for me is almost like being on a 24/7 vacation. However. I’ll confess I’m busier than back in my working days. Only now I get to do what I want when I want if my lady says I can. I’m now working on Chapter 52 of my sequel to ‘Seaside Glitter’ and working towards a late fall book launch. If you haven’t read my book, check out the link below. It’s on sale throughout July 2022 in ebook format at Really looking forward to having our Karen take out her red pen and do some editing this summer. Have a great summer and hope to see you at a book promo over the months ahead.